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A strange rumor began cycling around today, claiming that Fifa 21 and PS5 will be released at around the same time. This could mean one of two things. Either the next FIFA game will launch more than usual or PlayStation 5 will be faster than we expected.


Rumor comes from Youtube, with the following video hints about FIFA 21 release around the same time as the PS5. Unfortunately, the whole video in Japanese, and we had no way to find out what the creators explain without using subtitles. However, one thing is for sure, this is not something that involves concrete evidence.


The only visible part of the evidence in a separate video from Playstation magazine claimed that "Development (FIFA 21) took the lead in PS5, which is interesting. FIFA 21 can be the only place we will see football next season "? This gives rise to suspicion as to what happened in this case out to be true. In addition, Cheap FIFA 21 Coins is on hot sale at our website


At first, we know that FIFA is a franchise with a stable annual release. Over the past decade, a new Electronic Arts releases a football game in September. If the rumors are true then we might see a Playstation 5 release in September. On the other hand, the game could face some delays due to worldwide COVID 19th quarantine. Either way, there is something to be extracted.


The fact that Sony delayed revealing events for Playstation brand everyone expects 5 release date to be further down the years. A September launch date is unrealistic to reveal at the end of June or early July. However, we should not judging based on rumors.

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برچسب : نویسنده : mmocheaponline mmocheaponline بازدید : 120 تاريخ : چهارشنبه 21 خرداد 1399 ساعت: 8:29